First time use

It is interesting how my enjoyment of different products depends highly on how many times I’ve used that exact item before. For example, the best…

What about the tongue?

This toothbrush was a replacement I picked up a couple of weeks ago.  It is the first toothbrush I’ve ever owned with a tongue cleaner…

Guess The Product – Part 2

You know how this works. I give you a picture of PART of a product, and you try to guess what it is. Best of…

Shapely Locks

A half-circle gate latch. Closed. And now open. There is not much to this simple device. It may not be able to endure vigorous attempts…

Which side of the fence are you on?

Many walls have broken glass placed on top as a deterrent to climbers.  This one however took a new twist.   Half glass-covered. Half moss-covered. Which…

Sounds of Motion

These X-mini speakers have become a great addition to my technology collection.  I wish I could share a video or something that would allow you…